RBE No. 77/2019


No.E(NG)I/2011/PM 112                                                                  Dated, May 10, 2019

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units
(as per standard mailing list)

Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) – Reiteration of the instructions & one time dispensation for Senior Clerk inclusion.

As the Railway administrations are aware, since the introduction of the scheme of General Departmental Competitive · Examination (GDCE) vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/92/PM 2116 dated 28.08.1993 for one year, the currency of the same has been extended from time to time, and the same has been last extended up to 31.03.2020 vide Board’s letter of even number dated 10~04.2018.
The GDCE scheme envisages filling up of 25% to 50% of the DR quota vacancies in categories where there is 25% DR quota, by regular serving employees (who are in possession of educational qualifications for DR), working in the lower grades or same grades, irrespective of the cadre in which they are working.

As it was reported that the Railways were not regularly making use of the GDCE for filling up the vacancies, instructions were issued vide RBE Nos.111/2018 and 112/2018 urging upon the Railways to liberally make use of this scheme to fill up the vacancies.
As large scale direct recruitment including in the non-technical popular categories (NTPC) is now underway through RRB notifications, it is reiterated that the Railways may make use of the provision of GDCE to fill up 25% to 50% DR quota vacancies, so that highly qualified & meritorious staff now available in the lower grades, may avail the scheme to fast track their career which would serve as a motivational factor to them. Both recognized staff Federations (AIRF & NFIR), have also highlighted this
issue. Accordingly, wherever GDCE, have not yet been initiated, Railways may ensure th~t these be processed on priority to the desired extent.
Further, in the category of Senior Clerk, as the element of the DR being only 20%, this is not covered under the scope of GDCE. However, keeping in view the large number of qualified serving staff available in the lower categories, a onetime dispensation is hereby accorded for filling up 25% of the DR quota vacancies in this category also by GDCE.
Necessary action may please be taken accordingly on priority.

(P.M Meena)
Dy. Director-ll/E(NG)I
Railway Board