Category: Railway Board Orders 2009

Grant of the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 to posts that existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band PB-2

226/2009 PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/8 173 Grant of the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 to posts that existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and which were granted the...

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Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the VIth CPC- revision of the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993-Constant Atendant Allowance

223/2009 F(E)III/2009/PN1/6 172 Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the VIth CPC- revision of the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993-Constant Atendant Allowance 16.12.2009 For...

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Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission regarding revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners etc. Grant of full pension to Government

222/2009 F(E)III/2008/PN1/13 171 Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission regarding revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners etc.  Grant of full pension to...

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Grant of the pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS) and Steno Grade ’C’ (Personal Assistants) of Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (RBSSS)

220/2009 PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/9 170 Grant of the pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS) and Steno Grade ’C’ (Personal Assistants) of Railway Board...

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Fixation of pay on promotion to the new HAG scale in cases where the officers opt to have their pay fixed under Rule 1313 (FR 22)(I)(a)(I) of Indian Railway Estt. Code Volume-II-clarification regarding

213/2009 PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/1 167 Fixation of pay on promotion to the new HAG scale in cases where the officers opt to have their pay fixed under Rule 1313 (FR 22)(I)(a)(I) of Indian Railway Estt. Code Volume-II-clarification...

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