Rightsizing-Policy on Creation of Posts in Indian Railways-RBE 147/2012.
CC-68 provision of carriying ID proof during journey on reserved tickets.
- Grant of Privilege Passes/PTOs to the dependent relatives-raising the income ceiling limit.
- Railway Board has requested to MOF to exempt Transport Allowance from the Purview of Income Tax.
- Re-engagement of Retired Staff on daily remuneration basis in exigencies of services RBE 109/2012.
Issues related to Trackmen Package and recommendations of joint committee- RBE 106/2012.
- Appointment on Compassionate Ground-Clarifications on Educational Qualifications RBE 102/2012.
- Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 ā Clarification under Second Proviso under Rule 5 regarding option on promotions between 1.1.2006 & the date of notification RBE 105/2012.
- MACP Scheme for Railway Servants-treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE-Clarification regarding RBE 100/2012.
- Grant of Additional Increment to outstanding sportsmen.
- Dress Regulations 2004-Uniform Committee-modification reg.
- Appointment of Jansadharan Ticket Booking Sewak.
- Clarification on the admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) during the Child Care leave (CCl) – Reg.
- Revision of Investment Management Fee (IMF) for Pension Fund Managers for Private Sector NPS
Recognition of qualificaton awarded by MIITs-Clarification-reg RBE 92/2012.
Children Education Allowance Hostel Subsidy Clarification-reg RBE 93/2012.
- Recruitment of Spots Persons against sports quota-RBE 95/2012- Reg.
Training slots for Trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961-RBE 85/2012
Induction of Trackmen in to other departments-Revision of Age Limit Regarding.
Payment of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff attending inter-railway duty at Metropolitan cities.
Railway Board’s orders regarding exemption of service tax on passenger tickets uptill 30.09.2012.
DC/JCM Item Number. 14/2009 (Implementation Report on Progress of Corporate Welfare Plan).
State Railway Provident Fund- Interest Rate 8.8% during FY 2012-13 RBE 68.
List of Holiday Homes & their booking authorities RBE 69/2012.
Corrigendum to Commercial circular no. 32 of 2012 in respect of amendments to Tatkal Booking Scheme.
Extension to the scheme of “Honorary visiting specialists” to all Railway Hospitals..
Quantum of debit raised in case of missing PRS tickets/rolls.
Railways has launched special recruitment drive against Physically handicapped quota RBE 59/2012.
Railway Board instructions in respect of forwarding EQ- Commericial Circular No. 16 of 2012.
State Railway Provident Funds-Rates of Interest during 2011-2012.
Periodical Transfers of Non-Gazetted Staff in Indian Railways- RBE 48/2012.
Utilization of Railway Quarters lying surplus due to shift/Closure of establishments – RBE 43/2012.
Railway Board has issued clarifications on Children Education Allowance-RBE 45/2012.
Railway Board Orders on validity of duty pass for travel on Duronto Express.
Incentive Increments to Sports Persons in Railways for outstanding achievements.
Haj-2012 Deputation of Haj Assistant to consulate General of India-Jeddah.
Special Allowance @ Rs. 2500/month for Vigilance Inspectors working in Zonal Railways/PUs.
Appointment on compassionate grounds-minimum education qualification-clar. reg.
- Periodical Transfers of Non-Gazetted Railway Employees.
Interpretation of dependency criterion for granting two family pensions-clarification regarding.
Issue of Special Pass to Retired Railway officers empanelled as inquiry officer.
Amendment to Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.-I regarding study leave rules.
Provision of Carrying ID Proof during journey on reserved tickets.