Strike call made by AIRF Rocks Indian Parliament.
In reply to a question, Hon’ble Minister for Railways confirmed that AIRF is ready to go on strike, whereas NFIR has again showed signs of backtracking by giving four months’ time to Government.
Friends, it shows that NFIR say something and do something else. On social media NFIR chanting slogans of strike but it is doing secret pacts in the backyard of Government.
Friends, Your Federation AIRF is determined for ultimate showdown with Government. Comrades, we have given call for Strike on our legitimate demands of Abolition of NPS, Setting up of VII Pay Commission etc but NFIR has again back stabbed Railwaymen like what it did in 1960, 1968 & 1974. History is evident, NFIR had always stayed away from such movements but when pressure of AIRF works and demands are met, NFIR always makes sure to be on forefront to take credit. We are reproducing the document of Ministry of Railways that shows the true face of NFIR.
Friends, Once again we reiterate that this time showdown is imminent. Government will have to succumb under the pressure of your Federation. Please prepare yourself for ultimate.