All Divisional Secretaries 28/10/13
N.R.M.U.(Open Line)
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Appointment of wards of loco Pilots under LARSGESS- Written Examination.
As you are aware that only 11 candidates could qualify the written examination held on 8/9/13, out of 178 candidates, which is quite unfortunate. However, the issue was taken up by the undersigned with the General Manager, Northern railway & ultimately it has been decided that the candidates who could not qualify the said written test, shall be given another chance and the date of written test will be fixed shortly.
This is a remarkable achievement of this Union, should be given wide publicity among the running staff, who have applied for Voluntary Retirement under the LARSGESS for appointment of their wards as ALP.
With fraternal & Happy Diwali Greetings.
Comradely Yours
( S.G.Mishra )
General Secretary