RBE No. 116/2013.
No. E (NG)-II12013/RR-l/S. New Delhi, dated: 30 /1012013
The General Manager (P).
All Zonal RailwayslProduction Units
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Clarification regarding acceptance of educational qualification obtained through distance education mode from Open University without undergoing formal education for the purpose of employment on the railways – reg.
The issue whether qualification of PG Degree without prosecuting 10+2+3 or 1l+1+3 and Under Graduate Degree without prosecuting 10+2 or ll+l stream of studies obtained by candidates/serving employees for employment/promotion through Open Universities (non-fonnal/distance education) can be accepted or otherwise has been under consideration of this Ministry.
The same has been examined in consultation with Distance Education Bureau, University Grants Commission and it is directed that while scrutinizing certificates of qualification submitted by the candidates obtained through Open and Distance Learning centre. for the purpose of employment/promotion. following guidelines may be kept in view:-
(i) No student is eligible for admission to the to the 1 st Degree Course through nonformal/ distance education unless he has successfully completed 12 years schooling through an examination conducted by a Board/university. In case there
is no previous academic record, helshe is eligible for admission if he/she has passed an entrance test conducted by the University provided that he/she is not below the age of 21 years of admission;
(ii) No student is eligible for the award of the first degree unless he/she has successfully completed three year course, this degree may be called the B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.(General/Honours/Special) degree as the case may be; and
(iii) No student is admitted in a Master’s Degree course unless he/she has successfully completed Bachelor’s Degree of minimum three year-duration. In other words, a PO degree obtained without a Bachelor Degree cannot be treated as valid.
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