Recruitment of staff in Pay Band-l of~ 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: -1800) on Indian Railways – Mode of dispatch of call letters to applicants regarding-RBE 6/2014
RBE No. 06/ 12014
New Delhi, dated: 10/01/2014
No. E (NG)-II/2008/RR-l/33.
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal RailwayslProduction Units
Sub: Recruitment of staff in Pay Band-l of~ 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: -1800) on Indian Railways – Mode of dispatch of call letters to applicants regarding.
In partial modification to instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 29/5/2013 (RBE No. 53/2013) and 19/8/2013 (RBE No. 85/2013), it is directed that henceforth, call letter be issued to successful candidates in written examination for appearing in PET (Physical Efficiency Test), three weeks prior to ~date of commencement of PET under “Business Post” instead of earlier instructions of one months prior to date of conduct of examination.
2. It is also directed that no replacement panels are to be given against non-joining ofvselected candidates, as recruitment in Pay Band~1 (Grade Pay:-1800) is now done annually in terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2007/1/58
dated 08/12/2011
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