RBE No.27 /2014
No. E(NG)-11/99/RR-1/91. New Delhi, Dated: I8/03/2014.
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub: Clarification on the educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Health & Malaria Inspector, Grade-III in Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs.4200).
References have been received from zonal railways seeking clarification whether candidates in possession of Diploma from following institutions can be accepted for direct recruitment to the post of Health & Malaria Inspector, Gr.11I in Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs. 4200) vide instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2007/RR-l/49 dated 30.5.2008 :-
(a) Diploma in Public Health & Sanitation Technology awarded by Institute of Public Health & Hygiene, Mahipalpur, New Delhi; and
(b) Diploma in Health & Sanitary Inspection awarded by Vinayaka Mission University, Salem.
The issue has been under examination of this Ministry and it has now been decided that aforesaid Diploma cannot be accepted in lieu of the prescribed qualification for direct recruitment from open market to the post of Health & Malaria Inspector, Grade-III in Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34800 (Grade Pay: Rs. 4200).
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Hindi version will follow).
{This disposes off Southern Railway’s letter No. P(S)268/Vlll/lndents/HI/Vol.IlI dated 29/10/2012, 07/2/2013, 27/3/2013 and 20/5/2013 and South Western Railway’s letter No. SWR/P.563/VIlI/H&MI/Med/Vol.lI dated 18/1/2013}.
(Harsha Das)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board
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