Selection for the post of Loco Pilot(Goods)II Rs 9300- 34800 Grade Pay Rs 4200(RSRP-6)
Headquarter Office
Baroda House
New Delhi
Divisional Railway Manager
Northern Railway
Moradabad Division.
Sub :Selection for the post of Loco Pilot(Goods)II Rs 9300- 34800 Grade Pay Rs 4200(RSRP-6)
Ref: Your letter no: 727E/EP/LPGood/Selection/15 dt: 1.05.2015
In terms of the instructions contained in Railway Board’s letters circulated under PS No:11279/96 & 13503/08, the General Manager has accorded approval for filling up 409 vacancies ( i.e 272 existing & 137 anticipated) of Loco Pilot (Goods) Gr-II Pay Band 9300-34800 grade pay Rs 4200 in MB division from eligible Loco Pilot Shunter And Sr ALP subject to fulfill all the teams and condition prescribed in Railway Board’s letter dated; 22.8.2008 circulated under PS No: 13503/08.
For General Manager(P)
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