Out-of-Turn Promotions (OTP) to outstanding Sportspersons on sports accounts
RBE No.28 2016
Clarification/ Corrigendum No. 65
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. 2015/E(Sports)/4(1)/6 New Delhi, doted 14th March, 2016
The General Managers (P).
All Zonal Railways including
CLW. DLW. ICF. RCF. RWF. Metro Railwoy/Kolkoto.
The CAO(R). DMW/Potiolo,
The DG, RDSO/Lucknow.
Sub.: Out-of-Turn Promotions (OTP) to outstanding Sportspersons on sports accounts- Relaxation in minimum educational qualification and three years’ service condition in existing post and Grade Pay & Exemption of typing test -Delegation of powers to GMs.
Ref.: Boord’s letter of even number dated 07.01.2016 (RBE No. 02/2016). –
As per Board’s letter of even number dated 07.01.2016 (RBE No. 02/2016) under reference on the subject mentioned above, the power of relaxation in minimum educational qualification and three years’ service condition in existing post and Grade Pay & Exemption of typing test to outstanding sportspersons for their Out of Turn Promotion has been delegated to General Managers. In this connection it is clarified that the power of relaxation in minimum educational qualification and three years’ service condition in existing post and Grade Pay & Exemption of typing test shall also cover the cases where Out of Turn Promotion is w.e.f. date prior to 07.01.2016.
These instructjons issue with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)
(Bhaskar Roy Choudhury)
Dy. Director. Estt.(Sports)
Sanjoy/RSPB/2015/E(Sports )14(1 )/ 6/Typing Test