As you are aware, the Ministry of Railways have taken a number of arbitrary decisions, in the name of Restructuring of the Indian Railways in the “Parivartan Sangosthi “, held on 7th and 8th December, 2019 in New ,Delhi, which are going to have serious repercussions and impact on the Railwaymen as also pave the way for wholesale privatization of the Indian Railways by dismantling time-tested existing Railway Network…….
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: December 26, 2019
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Estd. – 1924
Sub: Holding of “Protest Week” from 2nd to 7th January, 2020
At the outset, I wish a Very Happy, Pleasant and Prosperous New Year to all of you and the entire Railway Fraternity.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Railways have taken a number of arbitrary decisions, in the name of Restructuring of the Indian Railways in the “Parivartan Sangosthi “, held on 7th and 8th December, 2019 in New ,Delhi, which are going to have serious repercussions and impact on the Railwaymen as also pave the way for wholesale privatization of the Indian Railways by dismantling time-tested existing Railway Network. The said “Parivartan Sangosthi” has also suggested for drastic reduction of the staff in the name of introduction of technology, whereas all of you are aware, how Railwaymen are working under extreme pressure due to acute shortage of the staff.
As you are also aware that, today’s meeting of the DC/JCM has also been boycotted to lodge serious protest against these arbitrary decisions which have been taken without any consultation with the Recognized Federations.
A meeting of the General Secretaries, who were present in New Delhi to attend the said meeting, was, therefore, held after boycott of the DC/JCM Meetmg in PREM Office of AIRF in Rail Bhawan, wherein it has been decided to observe “Protest Week”, from 2nd to 7th January, 2020, by holding Dharnas, Demonstrations, Protest Rallies, Gate Meetings etc. at the Branch level all over the Indian Railways.
Already taken decision, by the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF , held in Chennai from 4-6 December, 2019, to fully support one-day General Strike of the Central Trade Unions to be held on 8th January, 2020, also holds good, and all of you are requested to take appropriate action, as already requested, in support of the said strike.
It would be highly appreciated if detailed report of the programmes conducted in your Railway Zone/ Production Units are forwarded to AIRF Office for better appreciation thereof.
With Best Wishes and Fraternal Greetings,