A number of COVID-19 cases among the Railwaymen are being reported everyday. The staff are subjected to man to man transmission of the Coronavirus during the course of performing duty or otherwise. COVID-19 Positive Railway Employees are sent to either Home or Hospital Isolation….
No.AIRF/50 Dated: August 11, 2020
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Treating the period of absence due to COVID-19 as “Special Casual Leave” – Reg.
A number of COVID-19 cases among the Railwaymen are being reported everyday. The staff are subjected to man to man transmission of the Coronavirus during the course of performing duty or otherwise. COVID-19 Positive Railway Employees are sent to either Home or Hospital Isolation and those come in contact are quarantined for 14 days. It is reported that, in these cases; the employees are being asked to apply for their own leave, which is not justified.
It may not be out of the context to mention here that, there has been a provision of Quarantine Leave in case of highly infectious diseases, which has been discontinued during the recent past. This is a new disease and highly infectious with rapid transmission from man to man, as such, provision of Special Leave/Quarantine Leave need to be restored in the wake of COVID-19 Pandamic.
It is, therefore, requested that, suitable instructions be issued by the Railway Board not to deduct leave in the credit of the Railway Employees who come in the contact or infected by the COVID-19.
An early action in the matter is solicited.
√Copy to: D.G.(H.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: General Secretaries – All Affiliated Unions – for information.