Our Western Railway Affiliate – Western Railway Employees’ Union is pursuing this issue with their Railway Administration since May 2019. Regrettably, till date Railway Administration has not taken any action except assurances. Now, General Manager, Western Railway, vide aforesaid letter(copy enclosed), has requested your goodself to allow them to upgrade the post of Track Maintainers without Matching Value…….

No.AIRF/88 Dated: November 10, 2020
The Chairman-Cum-CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Upgradation of posts of Track Maintainers without Matching Surrender
Ref.: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.2015/CE-1/GNS/2 dated 08.03.2019(RBE No.44/2019)
(ii) GM/WR’s D.O letter No.E/E/1025/Mate dated 10.09.2020 addressed to your goodself
Vide above cited letter of the Railway Board, the cadre of Track Maintainers has been upgraded in the ratio of 10:20:20:50.
Our Western Railway Affiliate – Western Railway Employees’ Union is pursuing this issue with their Railway Administration since May 2019. Regrettably, till date Railway Administration has not taken any action except assurances. Now, General Manager, Western Railway, vide aforesaid letter(copy enclosed), has requested your goodself to allow them to upgrade the post of Track Maintainers without Matching Value.
It is worth-mentioning here that, many of the Zonal Railways are yet to implement Railway Board’s orders regarding restructuring of Track Maintainers.
Your goodself are, therefore, requested to communicate necessary instructions to all the Zonal Railways to implement the aforementioned orders of the Railway Board without further delay in letter and spirit.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Encl: As above
√Copy to: Director General(H.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action.
√Copy to: E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action.
√Copy to: General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions – for information.