No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: February 6, 2021
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with the Chairman-Cum-CEO Railway Board on long pending significant issues related to the Railwaymen
Discussion held today with the Chairman-Cum-CEO Railway Board, for more than one and half an hour, to discuss long pending significant issues related to Railwaymen.
In the said meeting, Chairman-Cum-CEO Railway Board had taken on the spot decision on few items of AIRF, details of which are given hereinunder:-
01. Payment of ALK (HQ) to Running Staff during Lockdown period – Chairman-Cum-CEO promised to take decision shortly in consultation with the Finance.
02. Employment of Course Completed Act Apprentices in the Indian Railways – Chairman-Cum-CEO promised to find out some solution, so that Course Completed Act Apprentices can be absorbed in Railways.
03. Financial logjam and operational difficulties of Konkan Railway Corporation(KRCL) due to COVID-19 Pandemic and subsequent lockdown resulted into suspension of rail services – The issue has been resolved.
04. Full exemption to 70% Component(T.A. Component) of Running Allowance and splitting up of arrears in three financial years paid in October 2019 for computing deduction of Income Tax – Chairman-Cum-CEO said that, he would talk to the Chairman, CBDT. Thereafter, Federations can also meet him for solution of the problem.
05. Non-implementation of recommendation of the 7th (under para 11.12.140) in connection with grant of erstwhile Grade Pay Rs.5400(PB-2, viz. Pay Level 9 in 7th CPC Pay Matrix) in case of Accounts Staff of Railways – Chairman-Cum-CEO informed that the issue, with the recommendation, has been sent to DoP&T. Last meeting was held with Addl. Secretary(DoP&T) and Addl. Secretary, Finance(Exp.), wherein they had promised that the issue would be resolved shortly.
06. Payment of Transport Allowance to Railway Employees during Covid-19 Pandemic – Withdrawal of Railway Board’s letter – So far as orders regarding payment of Transport Allowance are concerned, Chairman-Cum-CEO said that, that the matter is under review in the light of discussions.
07. Review of policy on creation of posts – Chairman-Cum-CEO informed that this issue is under discussion with Member(Finance), Railway Board, and whatever decision is arrived, would be brought to the notice of the Federations.
08. Review of Co-Drivers(Co-Loco Pilot) for High Speed Trains – Matter will be examined.
09. Withdrawal of revision of Flat Rate of Licence Fee (Standard Rent) for Residential Accommodation w.e.f. 01.07.2020 – Matter will be examined.
10. Coverage under Railway Service (Pension) Rules, 1993, in place of National Pension System(NPS) – Reg. Substitutes appointed prior to 01.01.2004 – The issue has been explained to Chairman-Cum-CEO, and necessary action would be taken.
11. Cancellation of Transfers/Periodical Transfer of the staff – Federation has demanded for cancellation of Transfers/Periodical Transfers till 31.03.2022, as Scholastic Session of the students has started. Chairman-Cum-CEO agreed to review the matter.
12. Issue of Card Passes to the Central Office Bearers of Zonal Railways and Zonal Secretaries of AIRF Affiliates in the Production Units – AIRF’s PNM Item No.59/2015 – Matter will be examined.
13. Validation of Privilege Passes/PTOs in Festival/Special Trains – Chairman-Cum-CEO discussed the matter with A.M.(Coaching). Privilege Passes/PTOs will be validated as were orders to travel by Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto Express Trains prior to Lockdown.
14. Resumption of Regular Trains Services – Matter is being reviewed every week.
15. Opening of Staff Canteens, Community Halls, Railway Institutes and Crèches etc. all over the Indian Railways – Will be opened shortly.
16. Referral of patient for CT Scan to Northern Railway Divisional Hospital, Lucknow – Staff working within Lucknow Area only will be asked to go for CT Scan in Lucknow Divisional Railway Hospital.
17. Extending coverage in Old Pension Scheme to Railway Employees selected through RRBs against Notifications for Recruitment issued prior to 22nd December, 2003; the date on which New Contributory Pension Scheme(NPS) was introduced – Matter will be examined.
18. Medical Insurance to all Railway Employees – Matter will be examined, and nothing will be done without consulting Recognised Federations.
19. Every matter will be resolved through proper discussion.
20. There will not be any indiscriminate surrender of posts. Surrender of 50% posts has already been stopped.
Besides the above, orders for Cadre Restructuring of S&T Staff will be issued shortly.
The above is for your information.