रेल मंत्रालय Railway Board रेलवे बोर्ड

No. E(P&A)II/2023/RS-8 New Delhi,dt.05.06.2023

The The General Secretary.

All India Railwaymen’s Federation

4 State Entry Road,

New Delhi-110055.

The General Secretary.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3. Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110055

Sub: Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the General Posts- case of Chief Loco Inspectors (CLIs).


The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s letter No. AIRF/55(136), dated 26.04.2023 and NFIR’s letter NFIR/IV/RSAC/2023, dt. 13.04.2023 on the captioned subject. No

  1. The matter has been examined in Board’s office and it has been observed that the case of promotion/appointment of running staff to a post of CLI through General Selection is entirely different from the case of employees whose promotion/appointment have been taken place to the post(s) through General Selection’ as contained in Board’s letter dt. 20.02.2023 (RBE No.34/2023) as the post Chief Loco Inspector (CLI) is exclusively filled amongst from the post of Running Staff, for which specific instructions regarding reckoning of 30% pay element for fixation of his pay on promotion/appointment to a post of CLI, already stand issued vide para-5 of Board’s letter dt. 03.07.2019 (RBE No.108/2019), may be followed.

Yours faithfully.

6-23 for Principal Executive Director/IR. Railway Board.

Copy to: DDE(LR)-I, Railway Board