Feedback of meeting held with DOPT on 25.02.2015
No.AIRF/60 Dated: February 25, 2015
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Feedback of meeting held with DOPT on 25.02.2015
To day DoP&T meeting was held on our strike demands. They heard our arguments and promised to discuss the same with Govt. They agreed to conduct Anomaly Committee meeting to discuss the items not resolved. They also agreed to finalise the agreed items of last meeting such such as stepping of pay of Promotes with DR quota employees , MACP anomalies of GDCE/LDCE, Implementation of judgements on MACP for all, Withdrawal of NPS to Rly employees duly taking into account of letter written by Previous MR, to finalise recommendations Departmental anomaly committee of Railways, Immediate consideration of merger of DA and granting IR , Stepping of Pay of Appendix III passed Section Officers with non appendix passed Accounts staff etc.