As your goodself is well aware that despite the threat of Corona Virus (COVID-19) spread in the country, a large number of Railwaymen are being booked to perform their duty in connection with running of Freight Trains and operation of other emergency services.
AIRF/Covid-19/Helath Insurance/2020 29th March 2020
Respected Shri Piyus Goyal Ji
Reg- Coverage of Railway employees under the scheme of Insurance and payment of incentives
As your goodself is well aware that despite the threat of Corona Virus (COVID-19) spread in the country, a large number of Railwaymen are being booked to perform their duty in connection with running of Freight Trains and operation of other emergency services.
We appreciate that your goodself has already applauded their zeal and devotion to their duty. Mainly, the category of Loco and Traffic Running staffs, Optg. Staffs, Civil Engg. Staffs, Electrical, Mechanical and S&T Staffs as well as staff of Medical and Security departments etc. are bound to perform their duty as well those who are performing their duty from home under these circumstances facing the threat of COVID-19.
The Govt. of India has already announced coverage of Rs. 50 Lakh for those who are performing their duty to combat the situation.
It is also learnt that some special incentive is proposed to be paid to the police personals and others who are performing their duty during this period.
It will be highly appreciated, if your goodself may consider the coverage of above categories of Railway employees also under the purview of insurance worth Rs. 50 Lakh as well as payment of Additional Incentives to boost their moral for performing their duties under these circumstances.
We are very thankful Hon’ble Prime Minister as well as your self for appreciating the Railwaymen for performing the Running the trains during this our of crisis.
An early action in the matter is requested.
With Regards
Shri Piyus Goyal
Hon’ble Minister of Railways
Rail Bhawan , New Delhi
Copy to- Chairman Railway Board for information and necessary action pl.
-Member Staff , railway Board for inf. & n.a. pl.
– AM (Staff) Railway Board for inf. And n.a. pl.
– ED(IR) Railway Board for inf. & n.a. pl.