Policy letter on Cashless Treatment Scheme in Emergency(CTSE) in empanelled hospitals for retired employees and their dependent family members. All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), having been studied above subject Policy letter, places its strong protest on record against this scheme. In this connection, federation’s suggestions…..
No.AIRF/101 Dated: July 29, 2016
The DG(RHS),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Policy letter on Cashless Treatment Scheme in Emergency(CTSE) in empanelled hospitals for retired employees and their dependent family members
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.2014/H/28/1/Smart Card/Part A dated 14.07.2016
All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), having been studied above subject Policy letter, places its strong protest on record against this scheme.
In this connection, federation’s suggestions, which were given during the course of discussion with Railway Board, need to be recollected. It is a matter of regret that, none of these suggestions, put-forth by AIRF, have been taken into consideration while framing this scheme. Virtually, this is not a Cashless Scheme because the beneficiaries shall be required to pay a handful amount while availing the scheme, and to our utter surprise, shall have to pay a huge amount for enrollment to CTSE.
This issue was, therefore, also raised by the undersigned, during the GMs Conference held on 28-29 July, 2016 in Rail Bhawan, strongly opposing this scheme.
AIRF, therefore, strongly demands that this scheme, which is in no way beneficial for RELHS beneficiaries, should be kept in abeyance forthwith, and the suggestions already put-forth by this federation be considered while framing the scheme, and before finalization of the same, detailed discussion be held with the federation for better appreciation of this issue.
This may kindly be treated as Most Urgent.