RBE No.143/2016
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No.E(LL)/20 16/HPC/1 New Delhi, 28.11.2016
The General Manager,
All Zonal R’ailways & .
Metro Railway, Kolkata.
Sub : Recommendations of the ‘High Power Committee'(HPC) to review the duty hours of running staff – Decisions
In continuation of Board’s letter No.· E(LL))/20 16/HPC/7 dated. 13.10.2016, the HPC which was constituted to· review the duty hours of running and other safety related categories of staff, had also made its recommendations on undermentioned aspects related to working hours of these categories. The recommendations have been duly considered by the Board and in modification of previous instructions on the subject, the following decisions have been taken:-
(i) Total duty at a stretch (from ‘sign on’ to ‘sign off) for the Running Staffs should not exceed 11 hours.
(ii) Running duty at a stretch should not ordinarily exceed 9 hours. Such duty may extend further provided the railway administration gives at least 2 ‘hours notice before the expiry of 9 hours to the crew that they would be required to perform running duty beyond 9 hours, with the stipulation that the total . duty from ‘sign on’ to sign off shall not exceed 11 hours
(iii) In case the . train does not reach its destination, normal crew charging point or the point where the reliever has been arranged…………….. complete orders are uploaded below:-