New Delhi, Dated: 04-05-2017
The GMs/FA&CAOs,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units/RDSO
(As Per Mailing list)
Subject: Stoppage of recovery of wrong/excess payments from Railway pensions.
Please refer to Board’s letters No.F(E)III/2008/PNI/12 dated 02.02.2010 and 18.03.2010 vide which clarifications have been issued for correct interpretation of Vth CPC scale of pay and VIth CPC pay band & grade pay in the revised PPOs, particularly in the case of pensioners retired prior to 01.01.1996 from pre-revised IVth CPC pay scale of Rs.1400-2300/- and to adhere to the instructions issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DOP&PW) for revision of pension/family pension of pre-2006 retirees.
2.Consequent upon issue of the aforesaid clarifications, Zonal Railways re-fixed the pension and started recovering the over-paid amount of pension. The issue of stoppage of recovery of wrong/excess payments from Railway pensioners is under examination in consultation with Department of Pension & Pensioners (DOP&PW) and a reference is being made to Department of Expenditure (Ministry of Finance) for stoppage of recovery of wrong/excess payments from Railway Pensioners.
3. In view of above, it has been provisionally decided by the Board that recovery from such pensioners may be stopped till further advice from Board which will be issued on receipt of instructions from Department of Expenditure.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)III,
Railway Board.