RBE No. 133/2017
No.A(E)/ A3/2017/10/1 New Delhi, dt. 25.09-2017
General Managers/PF As
All Indian Railways and PUs etc.
Sub: Modification in Appendix-3 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I(Revised Edition 1989)
Advanced correction Slip No. 239 regarding modification in the Appendix -3 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I(Revised Edition 1989) is enclosed herewith .
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
(Vivek Parakash Tripathi)
Director Finance(CCA),
Railway Board
Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-I(Revised Edition-1989)
Para 1, 2 (before the heading “SUBJECTS”), 5(i), (ii) and Para 13 of Appendix -3 may please be modified as under:-
1. The examination will be held once each year and will be conducted by the Railway Board. The subjects and rules of examination are given below.
2. · Every candidate will be required to appear in the compulsory subjects and in one of the combinations of the optional subjects. The maximum marks for each paper will be 100.
3. The percentage of marks required to secure a pass is as follows:-
(i) Each compulsory subject: General Category: 40 %. SC/ST category: 30%.
(ii) Each optional subject: General category: 40% in each paper separately and 45% in aggregate in both papers. For SC/ST category these marks will be 30 and 35% respectively.
(iii) A candidate who fails in the examination but shows marked excellence in any subject by obtaining not less than 60% of the maximum marks of that subject will be exempted from further examination in that subject in subsequent examinations.
(iv) Deleted.
13. Answer books of the candidates will be destroyed after a period of six months from the date of declaration of the final result after obtaining vigilance clearance.
(Authority Board’s letter No. A(E)/A3/2017/1011 dated : 25-09-2017 )