Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No.- 64
File No. PC-VII/2017 /1/7/5/7
RBE No. 141/2017
New Delhi, Dated: 03.10.2017
The General Managers/ CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways and Production Units,
(As per mailing list)
Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Dress Allowance.
In terms of extant instructions, the Uniform- related allowances being paid to Railway employees as admissible included Kit Maintenance Allowance, Shoe Allowance, Uniform Allowance and Washing Allowance.
2. Consequent to the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the 7’h CPC, these uniform-related allowances have been subsumed into a single Dress Allowance. The President is pleased to approve payment of this Dress Allowance to the categories of employees and at the rates as listed below:
3. With this notification of Dress Allowance, existing uniform-related allowances including those for maintenance & washing of uniforms, will no longer be payable separately. Existing orders for payment of such separate uniform-related allowances including Shoe Allowance therefore stand superseded.
4. With the payment of this Dress Allowance, categories of staff who were earlier being provided Uniforms, will henceforth not be provided with Uniforms.
5. The amount of Dress Allowance shall be credited to the salary of entitled employees directly once a year in the month of July.
6. This allowance covers only the basic uniform of the employees. Any special clothing like the fluorescent clothing provided to Trackmen of Indian Railways will continue to be provided by this Ministry as per existing norms.
7. The rates of Dress Allowance will go up by 25% each time Dearness Allowance rises
by 50%.
8. These orders shall take effect from 01” July, 2017.
Hindi version will follow.
Deputy Director(Pay Commission) VII
Railway Board
Download:- RBE 141/2017