It has been observed that, there is lot of discontentment amongst the Trackmen regarding their career progression.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation had earlier suggested to the then Member Staff, Railway Board, Shri Pradeep Kumar, that, recruitment in GP Rs.1800 should be restricted to Trackmen Cadre only, and after three years service they should be given an option for joining in other departments as per their choice which will give lot of relief to the Trackmen to avoid discontentment amongst the Trackmen Cadre……
No.AIRF/78 Dated: August 13, 2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Recruitment of the Trackmen
It has been observed that, there is lot of discontentment amongst the Trackmen regarding their career progression.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation had earlier suggested to the then Member Staff, Railway Board, Shri Pradeep Kumar, that, recruitment in GP Rs.1800 should be restricted to Trackmen Cadre only, and after three years service they should be given an option for joining in other departments as per their choice which will give lot of relief to the Trackmen to avoid discontentment amongst the Trackmen Cadre.
AIRF had also suggested that, since we have lots of highly qualified staff in Grade Pay Rs.1800, Direct Recruitment percentage should be reduced and remaining percentage should be filled-in by these young qualified staff available on Indian Railways.
When AIRF raised this issue in the past, Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Member Staff as well as DG(P), Railway Board, were also in agreement. It needs a push.
Suggestion of AIRF should be considered on priority.