RBE No. 177/2018
E(NG)I/2012/PM 1122 New Delhi, dated November 15, 2018
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
Sub: Modification in the AVC for promotion to Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs.2800 (Level-S).
Attention is invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 12.05 .2017 regarding modification in the AVC for promotion to the post of Goods Guards in Grade Pay Rs.2800 (Level-5).
In para 2(i) of the aforesaid letter showing the feeder categories eligible to appear in General Selection against 60% quota for filling up the vacancies of Goods Guard in Grade Pay Rs.2800, the categories of Shunting Master-II and
Shunting Jamadar.~both in GP Rs.2400 (Level-4) may also be included.
This supersedes the earlier instructions contained in letter of even number dated 27.07.2018, wherein Shunting Master & Shunting Jamadar were inadvertently mentioned as eligible category for promotion to Goods Guard.
This also disposes off Northern Railway’s letter No.752-E/42/ElB/Pt.I dated 31.08.2018.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(P.M. Meena)
Dy. Dir.II/E(NG)I
Railway Board