Railway Board Constitutes a Committee to examine the demand for consideration of Ticket Checking Staff as Running Staff – AIRF writes DO to Convener of the Committee regarding problems of Ticket Checking Staff…
No.AIRF/66(63) Dated: December 17, 2018
The AM(Commercial) and Convener of the committee
on demand of Ticket Checking Staff as Running Staff
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Demands, including Running Allowance for Ticket Checking Staff
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.ERB-I/2018/23/48 dated 28.11.2018
You might be aware that, AIRF has been persistently raising the grievances/problems of the Ticket Checking Staff over the Indian Railways for quick redressal thereof. In this connection, my D.O. letter of even number dated 25th February, 2014(copy enclosed), addressed to the then Member Traffic, Railway Board, needs to be referred to, whereby a 9-point Charter of Demands of Ticket Checking Staff was submitted to the Railway Board for taking urgent necessary action thereon. It was also brought out in my D.O. letter supra dated 25.02.2014, that, on the demands relating to provision of adequate facilities in TTEs Running Rooms and other demands, a Joint Committee of the Executive Directors at Railway Board level was also constituted, which as well submitted its report on 14.11.2013.
AIRF had further raised demand of creation of additional posts and provision of adequate manpower, in the category of Ticket Checking Staff in the larger interest of railway revenue, by manning of reserved coaches and Ticket Checking of unreserved accommodation in different trains.
We are highly thankful to Railway Board that, a committee has been constituted vide Railway Board’s letter ibid dated 28.11.2018, of which your goodself is Convener, which is an appreciable step. The Terms and Reference of the said committee are also quite relevant and would definitely result in overall betterment of the Railways as also this frontline staff of the Railways.
It would also be quite appropriate that, while holding discussions AIRF should also be called to threadbare discuss the issues related to Ticket Checking Staff for proper consideration by the committee.
We sincerely hope a positive response on our demands at an early date.
Encl: As above
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated zonal unions – for information.