No. E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/4 New Delhi, Date: 14.12.2018
The General Managers
All Zonal Rail ways & PUs
(As per Standard list)
Sub: Introduction of 100%– Objective Paper for promotional examination to expedite and simplify examination process .
The promotion of staff within Croup ‘C’ by “Selection” or “non-selection” process and Group ‘D’ to ‘C’ is regulated by provision contained in Section ‘B’ of Chapter-Il of Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume 1; and instructions
contained in Board’s letter No.E(NG)l/98/PM II 17 dated 20.10.1999 and other instructions issued from time to time.
2. The existing system of examination conducted for filling up promotional posts has been reviewed by the Board and to bring objectivity to the selection process it has been decided as under:-
(i) The question paper wili henceforth be 100% Objective Type;
(ii) All the questions will be of multiple choice only;
(iii) A large Question Bank may be created from which the questions can be selected randomly for conducting a Computer Based Test;
(iv) Railways may conduct examination in CBT mode or pen and paper depending on their preparedness;
(v) If computer based Test takes time to implement, the tests may be conducted on OMR sheets, which shall have a carbon copy, kept in safe custody of officer nominated by the authority nominating the Selection Committee at HQ/ Division/ PU /Workshop;
(vi) OMR can be evaluated manually. A model Answer Sheet shall be given by the paper setter in a separate cover on conclusion of the examination;
(vii) To ensure the authenticity of the answers, cutting, overwriting, erasing or alteration of any type in the answer will not be accepted. Zero marks will be given for Answer having correction I over writing;
(viii) There shall be negative marking for incorrect Answers. One third of the marks allotted for each question will be deducted for wrong Answers;
(ix) Responsibility for evaluation shall be with the Officer nominated for evaluation;
(x) The system of coding & decoding of answer sheets will continue;
(xi) Any selection which has already been notified will be conducted as per existing instructions only and the new instructions would apply for selections which are notified after the date of issue of these instruction
3. The above changes would be applicable to all Departments, except Account and RPF, who deal with their own establishments.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(D Joseph)
Jt. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board