RBE No.62 /2019


No.E (P&A)II-2016/RS-40                  New Delhi, dated 18.04.2019
The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.


Sub:-Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-I, Revised Edition 1989 Chapter 9, Running Allowance Rules.


Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dt. 20.02.2019 (RBE No.29.2019) on the above subject. In partial modification to the letter dt. 20.02.2019 ibid, it is advised that the content of the said letter may be read as under:-
“In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that Rule 913 (i}(a) of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-1, Revised Edition 1989 may be amended as in the enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.262. This issue has also been raised by AIRF in PNM Forum as item No.48/2016”.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
3. Hindi version is enclosed.
No.E (P&A)II-2016/RS-40

(N.P. Singh)
Joint Director, Estt &A)
Railway Board
New Delhi, dated 18 .04.2019


Advance Correction Slip to the Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume- I- Revised Edition 1989 Chapter 913 -Running Allowance Rules.

Advance Correction Slip No. 262

The following amendments may be made to Rule 913 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume. I- Revised Edition 1989:-
Rule 913 (i)(a) may be substituted as under:·
“When running staff are put to officiate in a “running post” for 30 days or less, they shall be entitled to pay as admissible in the lower grade plus Running Allowance at the rates and on the condition applicable to the higher grade in which they officiate enhanced by 15% (except in the case of Second Firemen put to officiate as First Firemen and Engine Cleaners put to officiate as Second Firemen for whom the enhancement will be by 30%) of the kilometrage actually performed for every such higher grade.”

(Authority Board’s letter No. E(P&A)li/2016/RS-40 dated 20.02.2019).