RBE No. 81/2019
No.E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/14 New Delhi., dated May 14, 2019
The General Manager,
All Zonal Railways & PUs
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Eligibility criteria for appearing in selection to the post of OS, PB-ll GP 4200, against 20% LDCE quota- PNM/AlRF Item No.44/2016.
Attention is invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 01.03.2019 on the above subject modifying inter-alia, the eligibility conditions for appearing in 20% LDCE quota for the post of OS-II, PB-II, GP Rs.4200.
On receipt of feedback from one of the Zonal Railways, it has been decided that Senior Clerk With three years regular service shall also be eligible to appear in the 20% LDCE quota for OS-II.
Please acknowledge receipt.
No.E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/14
Copy forwarded to:-
(P.M. Meena)
Dy. Director/Estt. (NG)
Railway Board
New Delhi, dated May 14, 2019