Pay element in Running Allowance in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 and revised rates of Kilometreage Allowance and Allowance in lieu of kilometreage. – RBE 85/2019

RBE No. 85/2019


No.E(P&A)II-2013/RS-14 New Delhi, dated 28.05.2019

The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.
Subject : Pay element in Running Allowance in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 and revised rates of Kilometreage Allowance and Allowance in lieu of kilometreage.


As per Resolution dated 06.07.2017 issued by the Ministry of Finance the decision of the Government was conveyed that the allowances admissible to the Running Staff of Indian Railways namely Kilometerage Allowance (KMA) and related allowances of the Running Staff should be decided by the
Ministry of Railways through bilateral discussions with the Federations and further concurrence of the
Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, bilateral discussions with the two recognised Federations, viz. All India
Railwaymen ‘s Federation and National Federation oflndian Railwaymen were held and a proposal was sent
to the Ministry of Finance for their concurrence.
2. The President is now pleased to decide that the pay element in Running Allowance for running staff
would be 30% of the basic pay under the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 for computation of
the specified benefits excluding retirement benefits. For the purpose of computation of retirement benefits
of running staff, an additional quantum of 55% of basic pay under the Railway Services (Revised Pay)
Rules, 20 19 would be reckoned.
2.1 In the case of Loco Inspectors governed by the scheme contained in Board’s letter No.
E(P&A)II/83/RS-I O(iv) dated 25. I 1. I 992, an additional quantum of 30% of basic pay under the Railway
Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 20 16 would be reckoned for the purpose of computation of pensionary
benefits only.
3. The President is also pleased to decide that the rates of Kilometreage Allowance and Allowance in
lieu ofkilometreage (ALK) for running staff in the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 shall be as
indicated below: