Please call for AIRF’s letter of even number dated January 28, 2019. AIRF vide PNM Item No.60/2018 had put forth a demand to grant entry level pay to Dressers, working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units, equivalent to erstwhile Grade Pay Rs.2000 (Level-III of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix)…..

No.AIRF/PNM/60/2018 Dated: August 16, 2019

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Provision of GP Rs.4200(Level-6) to Dressers/OT Asstt. working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units

Please call for AIRF’s letter of even number dated January 28, 2019. AIRF vide PNM Item No.60/2018 had put forth a demand to grant entry level pay to Dressers, working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units, equivalent to erstwhile Grade Pay Rs.2000 (Level-III of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix). This demand was based on the recommendation of the 7th CPC, vide para 7.6.108. The 7th CPC has amply clarified the issue in their recommendation, under aforementioned para, in respect of existing incumbents also who do not possess enhanced qualification(i.e. Class 12th Pass) to deal with the situation. We have also quoted Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s letter No.V-17020/189/2018-INI-II dated 07.09.2018, the Nodal Ministry, on the subject, which inter-alia reads as under:-

(i) OT Technician – Entry Level GP Rs.4200(Level-6 of VII CPC).

(ii) Sr. Technician(on promotion from GP Rs.4200) to be placed in GP Rs.4600(Level-7 of VII CPC).

(iii) Sr. Technician(OT) is eligible for promotion as Technical Officer(OT) in GP Rs.5400(Level-9 of VII CPC).

(iv)Technical Officer(OT) in GP Rs.5400(Level-9 of VII CPC) is eligible for promotion to Sr. Technical Officer(OT) in GP Rs.6600(Level-11 of VII CPC).

Since a considerable time has already elapsed, but no visible action in the matter appears to have been taken by the Railway Board as yet, as such, AIRF strongly urges that the issue be considered with all seriousness and necessary instructions be issued to all concerned to revise the pay of Dressers/OT Asstt., working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units, as mentioned in the foregoing, without further loss of time.



Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – for information.