Board’s attention is invited towards AIRF’s letter of even number dated 25th January, 2919 in regard to the above subject matter.
As mentioned in our letter, referred to above, there being only two-grade structure in this vulnerable Safety Category of Operating Department and the number of posts in the categories of Shunting….
No.AIRF/78 Dated: August 16, 2019
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Advancement prospects for Pointsmen Category
Board’s attention is invited towards AIRF’s letter of even number dated 25th January, 2919 in regard to the above subject matter.
As mentioned in our letter, referred to above, there being only two-grade structure in this vulnerable Safety Category of Operating Department and the number of posts in the categories of Shunting Jamadar and Shunting Master being quite meager, prospects of promotion are very remote, whereas their nature of duty is full of Risk and Hazards. AIRF had, therefore, demanded to provide four-grade structure to this category, as has been done in case of Track Maintainers, and on the demand of this Federation, Chairman Railway Board also issued instructions on 05.03.2019 to constitute a committee to look into the matter to devise advancement prospects for the category of Pointsmen of Operating Department.
Though a substantial time has already elapsed, progress in the matter is not known to this Federation.
Board are, therefore, requested to look into the matter on priority and progress on the subject matter be advised to this Federation for better appreciation.
It would also be quite appropriate that, if a committee has been nominated to look into the matter, then the committee should invariably consult AIRF while devising advancement prospects and making other recommendations for this vulnerable category.
An early action in the matter is solicited.
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated zonal unions – for information.