No.AIRF/Sub-Committee 04 Dated: September 11, 2019
The AM(Staff),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Working out a Formula for Revision of KMA and other related allowances admissible to Running Staff
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E{P&A)II/2013/RS-14{Pt. I) dated 11.09.2019
While drawing your attention towards the subject cited above, the concluded views of AIRFare as under:-
1. AIRF is of considered opinion that the formula resolved by the Running Allowance Committee in 1980,
i.e. {30% of Mean Pay of Loco Pilot{Passenger) + {20 days T A) X 100/National Average KM of Loco Pilot(Passenger}
has to be given due cognizance while deal ing with KMA and other related allowances to Running Staff.
2. Railway Board, while determining KMA Rates in 71h CPC, has taken Minimum Pay of Loco Pilot(Passenger} as Rs.35400 in the Pay Matrix, while the present TA Rate is Rs.800/-. AIRF is of the view that, the above said calculation is not in line with the RAC 1980 Formula which was got accepted by the Railway Board by an agreement with the Recognized Federations.
3. AIRF’s view is that, RAC 1980 Formula must be treated as sacrosanct to avoid all future complications and thus Mean Pay should be taken into account which arrives at Rs.73900 in Level 6 of 71h CPC, i.e.
4. AIRF is of the view that, based on Actual Link Ki lometerage, the National Average of Kilometerage of
Loco Pilot(Passenger) is requ ired to be arrived at, and by doing so, if Actual Link Kilometerage is worked out instead of Earned Kilometerage, the National Average Kilometerage may still be less.
5. AIRF concludes that, KMA Rates of Loco Pilot(Passenger) should have been calculated as under:-
30% of 73900+(20X800}X1 00/4500 = 22170+16000X1 00/4500 = Rs.848/- It is worth-mentioning here that, series of meetings were held on the demand of the Recognized Federation for revis ion of KMA Rates, w.eJ 01.01.2006, on the basis of RAC 1980 Formula. Consequently, EDPC-1, Railway Board, reflecting a calculation sheet, made to understand that, the rates was to be hiked by Rs.72/- from January 2006, but was not followe d-up further AIRF urges upon the Railway Board that the RAC 1980 Formula should continue without any dilution and KMA Rates be revised accordingly w.e.f 01.07.2017.
Copy to: ED PC-1, Railway Board, New Delhi- for necessary action please.
Copy to: ED(IR}, Railway Board, New Delhi- for necessary action please.