Of late, the issue of filling-up of vacancies of Nurses in the Central Government Hospitals was considered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and as per above referred to letter, a decision was communicated not to go for recruitment of Nurses through outsourcing mode……
No.AIRF/101 Dated: October 7, 2020
The D.G.(R.H.S.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Filling-up of positions of Nurses in Central Government Hospitals not through outsourcing mode
Ref.: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(Nursing Section)’s Office Memorandum No.A-11013/5/2013-N dated
Of late, the issue of filling-up of vacancies of Nurses in the Central Government Hospitals was considered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and as per above referred to letter, a decision was communicated not to go for recruitment of Nurses through outsourcing mode.
It is understood that, said decision of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has already been implemented in all the Central Government Hospitals, by virtue of which, the positions of Nurses in Central Government Hospitals are not filled-up through outsourcing mode, rather regular appointment is made against the vacant posts of Nursing Staff. It is, however, observed that, in Railway Hospitals, the practice of engaging Nursing Staff on outsourcing/contractual basis still continues in total disregard to the instructions of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, which is the Nodal Ministry in this regard, in case of service conditions and other matters related to Medical/Paramedical Staff.
It is, therefore, desired that the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, vide aforementioned Office Memorandum, be implemented over the Indian Railways in letter and spirit, and all the vacant positions of Nursing Staff be filled-up by regular employment only, and not by outsourcing etc.
An immediate action in the matter is solicited.
√Copy to: General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions – for information.