No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: January 4, 2021
The Chairman-Cum-CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Opening of Staff Canteens, Community Halls, Railway Institutes and Crèches etc. all over the Indian
Pursuant to DoP&T’s instructions, contained in their Office Memorandum No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III dated 16/17.03.2020, Railway Board, vide their letter No.E(G)/2020/CL/4-2 dated 18.03.2020, had decided to close Railway Staff Canteens, Community Halls, Railway Institutes and Crèches all over the Indian Railways.
In the wake of present unlock in the country, most of the Railway Offices are functioning on regular basis as also social functions, like Marriage Ceremony etc., are being organised, complying restrictions and guidelines issued by the MoH and Health & Family Welfare in connection with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Since Railway Board have not yet issued instructions in connection with opening of Railway Staff Canteens, Community Halls, Railway Institutes and Crèches etc., the Railwaymen and their families have been facing several difficulties. Numerous representations are also pouring in this office, demanding opening of these Railway Establishments as Railway Staff and their families are facing lot of problems due to closure of these Establishments.
Further, CPO(Admn.), N.F. Railway, vide his letter No.E/322/182-3(W) dated 17.12.2020(copy enclosed for ready reference) has also made a reference to the Railway Board, requesting to communicate necessary decision in this regard.
Board are, therefore, requested to issue necessary instructions to all the General Managers of the Indian Railways for opening of Railway Staff Canteens, Community Halls, Railway Institutes and Crèches all over the Indian Railways.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Encl: As above
√Copy to: D.G.(H.R.),Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: A.M.(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: GSs, All Affiliated Unions – for information.