No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: January 19, 2013
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Coms.,
Sub: Feedback of the meeting held with the M.E./RBd on 16.01.2012 and A.M.(C.E.)/RBd on 18.01.2012 reg. re-designation of P.WS as J.E. and their MACP.
This issue was again discussed by me with the Member Staff and Addl. Member Staff, Railway Board, since the same is slated for discussion in the forthcoming PNM Meeting of AIRF with Railway Board on 6-7th February, 2013. The AM(Staff), Railway Board suggested that, before the said meeting, the issue may once again be brought to the notice of the M.E. and A.M.(C.E.), Railway Board. Accordingly, I met them and apprised about the issue once again and explained them our anguish that, in spite of regular chasing and persuasions by the AIRF, Railway Board is unable to take a positive action in spite of commitments made by the Railway Board on our agenda item. It was also explained once again that financial burden would be very meager in comparison to satisfaction of the entire category of the P. Way Supervisors. The M.E. had also given direction to the A.M.(C.E.), Railway Board, to resolve this issue early.
We are still not very hopeful, but since we have included this issue for strike ballot in the resolution passed by the 88th Annual Conference of AIRF held in Visakhapatnam from 18-20 December, 2012, we will not leave this issue. Either it should be settled through negotiation of by struggle.
This is for your information.