Sub: (i) Brief of the meeting held on 04.07.2018 with the committee constituted for upgradation of Group `C’ supervisory posts as Group `B’ Gazetted.
(ii) Brief of the meeting held with the CRB on various important issues
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: July 5, 2018
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: (i) Brief of the meeting held on 04.07.2018 with the committee constituted for upgradation of Group `C’ supervisory posts as Group `B’ Gazetted
(ii) Brief of the meeting held with the CRB on various important issues
We have forcefully demanded that, all the Supervisors working in GP Rs.4600 should be given Group `B’ Gazette status. We have also emphasized that, the SSEs recruited in GP Rs.4600 used to retire in GP Rs.4600 and they definitely need urgent attention, and similar is the situation where SSEs are working in GP Rs.4600 even for more than 15 years not getting any promotion. Similar is the situation in some other cadres in the Indian Railways in Traffic, Accounts, Commercial and Ministerial etc. and the only solution is that, GP Rs.4600 posts should be classified as Group `B’ Gazetted.
We also pursued this issue with the CRB and hope, this time our brothers and sisters will not be ditched.
Regarding LARSGESS we are thankful to Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Piyush Goyal, who has sent the file to Minisry of Law. We have also persuaded the CRB in this regard, who is also pursuing the matter with the Ministry of Law, we then hope that, this scheme could be saved.
We also discussed the issue of regularization of the Course Completed Act Apprentices in the Railways with the CRB and requested him that, Railway Board’s orders of 01.09.2016 should be implemented only on those Apprentices who have recruited after 01.09.2016. The Apprentices those who have passed out prior to 01.09.2016 should be given one time exemption.
The files of Restructuring of the Trackmen in the ratio of 10:20:20:50 and Running Allowance are still with the Hon’ble MR and hope will be get through as soon as he comes back from Mumbai.
This is for your information.