Sub: Change in the designation of Train Guard – AIRF’s PNM Item No.54/2015
The issue of change of designation of Trains Guard to “Train Manager” is being persuaded by All India Railwaymen’s Federation for quite some time.
It may also be noted that, this issue is figuring in the regular agenda of the Railway Board’s PNM with AIRF vide item No.54/2015…..
No.AIRF/433 Dated: November 3, 2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Change in the designation of Trains Guard – AIRF’s PNM Item No.54/2015
The issue of change of designation of Trains Guard to “Train Manager” is being persuaded by All India Railwaymen’s Federation for quite some time.
It may also be noted that, this issue is figuring in the regular agenda of the Railway Board’s PNM with AIRF vide item No.54/2015.
This federation has been persistently demanding that the existing designation “Trains Guard” has become outdated and in the society the common man draw reference that he/she may be Guard in some bank or other company.
In this connection, it would not be out of context to mention that, in the GSR, Trains Guard is virtually a Train In-charge of the respective train.
It would, therefore, be quite appropriate that the existing designation of Trains Guard be changed to “Train Manager”, which would be a dignified designation for them without any financial implication, so that, they can also lead a respectful life in the society.